Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Counting and other cute things

Finn has started to learn how to count to 10 and it is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. I love how he yells out the numbers that he is most confident about (3, 6 and 10), whispers the ones he isn't so sure of (5 and 7) and he never says 9.

He is learning about the concept of the bargain. So at breakfast when he says he's "done, done" after only a few bites of toast or yogurt and not touching his eggs, we tell him he has to eat one bite of egg and then he can be done. So he grabs up a big handful of egg and takes the tiniest little bite out of it. Its hard not to laugh as we tell him, "No, that wasn't enough."  Sometimes, when Finn wants to watch a video, Ben will tell him that he can watch it if he counts to 10 first (which he will promptly do perfectly, except for 9, of course). Today we were supposed to meet friends at the park to play, but Finn wouldn't go down for his nap, so I took a chance and told Finn that unless he napped right now, we would not go to the park to play.  He looked at me for a good minute as if sizing me up and must have decided I would make good on my threat (nope, I was bluffing) and went to sleep shortly thereafter!

Finn is using lots of 2-word sentences now and is even starting to break out with some 3-word phrases. My favorite is "Come on, Dadda!" He also says "I like park/zoo/Mama" and "Avo truck noisy" as he's banging it on the table. He's becoming a great mimic and is learning words quickly. Now, Ben and I don't swear at home but I do say things like "shoot" and "darn" and for some reason Finn latches on to these words and says them over and over, loudly.  And, unfortunately, "shoot" in the hands of a toddler comes out "shit." I'm not sure what my neighbors think of me as they hear Finn yelling "Oh, Shit" at the top of his lungs.