Thursday, May 8, 2014

New Words

We are still waiting to hear from our case manager regarding Finn's eligibility for speech therapy services, but in the meantime Finn has started saying a few new words for us. His latest have been: Ball, balloon, wa-wa (water), and bubble. Occasionally he will say one of these words at random, but most of the time we have to ask him to say things for us. Today I was changing his diaper and asking him if I should just let him run around with a bare bottom and he repeated "bottom" several times for me and just laughing and laughing. We'll see if we can get him to say it again tomorrow!

We're coming along on animal noises too. The wolf (or wild thing) howls, the pig snorts, and the kitty says "ow-mow" apparently. I wonder what the neighbors think of all the animal noises coming from our apartment?

Finn is making leaps and bounds in his progress of identifying body parts. He now knows exactly where his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, elbow, knee (or owie), belly button, leg, and hair is. He loves to point out Daddy's beard. Although he will only put up with us asking where certain body parts are so many times. He gets exasperated and I get the feeling that he can't understand how his parents can't seem to remember where their ears are!

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