Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2 year check-up

It's been six months since Finn has been to the doctor and nearly a year since he last had shots and I had hoped that would be enough time for him to forget, but it was not. As soon as we walked back and tried to weight him, he started sobbing. We got it done though. He was 25.5 pounds and 35 inches. For weight that put him in the 20th percentile and for height he is in the 70th percentile. So, for the first time in a long time, his weight was not a concern at all! 

He started sobbing the minute the doctor came in but wouldn't let me hold him. He just stood at the door crying to get out.  Finally, he let me wipe his nose and then asked to be picked up. So I was able to hold him while the doctor and I talked which calmed him down. Then as it came time to examine him, he started to cry again. Fortunately their new office overlooks I-8 and so Finn and I stood at the window and looked at all the trucks, cars and motorcycles go by and this distracted him enough that he stopped crying and let the doctor do her exam. I think this is the first time she's been able to listen to his heart in well over a year. No shots this time, thank goodness, and we're good to go for another year. 

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