Friday, August 31, 2012

1 month Doctor's appointment

Finn had his 1 month doctor's appointment yesterday.  He did very well.  He weighed in at 8 lbs 7 oz and is in the 10-25 percentile for his weight.  His height was 21.25 inches which falls in the 25-50 percentile.  The doctors was impressed with his strength and head control.  She remarked that he seemed like a very calm baby.  She also complimented me on my calm as well.  I was probably just putting on a good show. 

Today, I don't feel so great.  I feel worn down, like I need a really good nap, but as much as I try to "sleep when the baby sleeps," I'm still exhausted and I get frustrated because the only time I can get anything done in the house or out of it is when he is sleeping, so really the advice to "sleep when the baby sleeps" is really not all that useful, unless you have a housekeeper and a cook and a personal shopper.  I'm told this exhaustion thing gets better but that it peaks around 8 weeks, so I've got 2 more weeks to go and then maybe I'll start to get a little more rest and hopefully feel less frustrated with myself.

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