Sunday, September 2, 2012

Finn reached the 5 week mark yesterday.  He's actually woken up to the world quite a bit in the last couple of days.  Ben played with him on the floor for nearly an hour yesterday and he got him to smile several times at him and I watched as Finn would follow Ben's movements with his eyes.  He has been staying awake longer as well but unfortunately, he doesn't fall asleep as effortlessly as he used to either.  He seems to be falling into the classic little kid routine of playing until he gets too tired and gets fussy instead of falling asleep.  Fortunately, he is still very easy to soothe and so long as we can tell the difference between hungry fussiness and tired fussiness, we usually have him calm within a few minutes.

He may be going through a growth spurt in addition to all the other changes he has going on.  All of the sudden he has ramped up his feedings to once every 2 hours during the day.  Fortunately, he still sleeps longer at night--he even went 5 hours between feedings last night, which should have translated into more sleep for me, but I couldn't sleep.  Apparently my body is still on his 3 hours feeding schedule. He hasn't been taking as long to feed either.  I hope that means that he is becoming more efficient at nursing, rather than my milk supply is diminishing and he can't get enough.  I look forward to lactation support group on Wednesday so that I can get some reassurance that he is still getting enough to eat and that he is still growing into a big, strong Viking!  

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