Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Playing with a "Lovey"

Finn is currently sleeping soundly in his swing.  He's sleeping so well, I may just let him stay there for this nap.

He was very playful after our morning walk and his second breakfast.  We did a little tummy time where he lifted his head higher and longer than I've seen yet.  It happened when I stepped away from him to grab a bottle of water.  Apparently, he felt the need to look around for me. Of course, by the time I grabbed the camera and was in front of him again, he wouldn't do it anymore!  These were the best shots I could get:

                                                 Getting started on another attempt
                                                Looking around for Mom
                                                     Getting mad now....
                                         ...And Bonk....the inevitable conclusion to Tummy Time

I fed him again, and after that he seemed playful again, so I laid him out on his blanket and we played with his Dinosaur "Lovey."  So far he had yet to really reach for any toys that I had put out for him, but this time he seemed to be extending his arm towards the Dino and then bringing his had to his mouth....as in "there is something over there that I want to experience by putting it in my mouth!"  So I laid it close to him and tickled his had with it and after several tries he was finally able to grab it in his fist.  I'm sure it was entirely accidental, but he gave the biggest grin afterward as though he were so proud of himself for getting a hold of something....finally!  He also eventually was able to bring it to his mouth, which made him equally proud and smiley.

                                               "What's That?"
                                                "Look Mom, I grabbed it!"
                                                 Having fun with his Dino
                                                            So exciting!
                                                 Finally got it up to his mouth
                                                "Wow, that was great!"
                                                 "Let's give it another taste"
                                                         Very happy little boy
                                                       Having so much fun!

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