Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Crawling and standing milestones

I am happy with recording that Finn reached certain milestones at such and such age, but Ben likes to have the actual dates on which these events took place, so I'd better write them down before I forget!

Crawling: May 7, 2013-- I had been working on a craft project on the floor, when I set the scissors down on the floor next to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Finn crawl straight for them. I wasn't certain however, so when Ben came home that night we put Finn on the floor and turned on his remote controlled car and sure enough, he crawled straight to it!

Pulling himself up to standing: May, 19, 2013-- We were skyping with Ben's family, when Finn used Ben's legs to pull himself up into standing position. By the following week, after some tremendous falls, he could pull himself up using just about any object.

Standing solo: June 1, 2013-- I was working at the computer while Finn was pounding his pacifier on a plastic box file box on the floor. The pounding stopped and I looked down and he was standing for the briefest moment with the pacifier in both hands. He promptly fell right over and needed quite the mommy cuddle to recover!

First steps holding onto furniture: June 3, 2013-- While talking with Lisa via FaceTime, Finn took several steps to move himself from the plastic file box to his toy bin ( all while holding onto those objects). Miraculously he did not fall over during this endeavor but rather did a controlled sit when he was done standing.

First initiated peek-a-boo: June 4, 2013-- while I was cleaning up after breakfast, I left a towel within Finn's reach. He grabbed it and started hiding behind it and peeking out at Ben.

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