Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Steps

Finn took his first 2 steps on August 8th, 2013. Just like when he started crawling, he had had a well baby exam earlier in the day in which I had to report to his doctor that he wasn't walking yet.  I mentioned to her that after his 9 month appointment he had started crawling, so she joked that Finn would probably take his first steps that evening.  Sure enough, that is exactly what happened.  I had placed him in the middle of the living room and I was sitting on the couch urging him to walk towards me.  He wouldn't budge until he spotted the TV remote, at which point he took his first 2 baby steps to get at it.

And since I mention his 1 year check-up, I might as well report on that too. It was disappointing, to say the least.  His weight was recorded at 20.2 pounds (although I think it was actually a little higher, and the nurse took the low mark...why is it no one ever does that for me when I step on the damn thing at the doctor's office?) and his height 30.25 inches. So the weight put him down in the 15th percentile, which caused both his doctor and me some concern. He just keeps falling through the percentiles despite the fact that I am still breastfeeding him every 2-3 hours during the day and on demand all night long, as well as offering him the most nutritional and calorie dense solid foods I can. We went over his diet and all his doctor could say was "You're doing everything right, but..." So she wants me to give him Pediasure. It just kills me to have to do it. There are 17 grams of sugar in one bottle. Sugar is the second ingredient, after water. I feel like I've spent the last six months working hard to give him whole, unprocessed foods and limiting his salt and sugar intake for nothing. I know that's not true and that I have given Finn the best start that I could and that we couldn't avoid sugar forever. I know this. I'm still disappointed. So as a compromise, I've begun adding a little Pediasure to his whole milk, to sweeten it up a bit and make it more palatable for him. If he seemed to like his first taste of whole milk, then he LOVED his first taste of whole milk/Pediasure. And why wouldn't he? It tastes just like a milkshake.

The rest of his appointment went well. We didn't do shots, since he had been sick last week (another thing that probably affected his weight) and she checked carefully to make sure he didn't get an ear infection after his cold.  Its incredible to me that we made it to a year without Finn ever getting sick. His good health is a real blessing, one that hopefully continues a long, long time. When we got to the part about sleep, I felt I couldn't take any more "tsk tsk" from the doctor, so I lied and said how impressed I was by the improvement and that he was sleeping most of the night in his crib and rarely waking up to eat. Its more of a half truth than a lie. Sometimes those things do happen, just not as consistently as one might expect at his age. But since it doesn't really bother me and I would now gladly nurse him all night long if it would fatten him up, I'm not going to worry about it!

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