Thursday, November 14, 2013

Poison Control and other fun stories

Well, I got to call poison control for the first time yesterday. Sadly, I don't think it will be my last call to them, but one can hope. Finn woke up early from his nap and caught me working on a craft project. As I tried to clean up my mess (while fending off his grabby little hands), the glue stick I had been using must have rolled under a couch pillow. As I continued to clean, Finn stopped trying to grab everything out of my hands and became quiet. This is a lesson that I am still learning...When your toddler becomes quiet and stops annoying you it does not mean, breathe a sigh of relief because you can now finish your work in peace. No, it means, Drop everything, there is some serious mischief afoot. But in my naivete, I did the former and when I looked up from finishing my work in peace, I saw Finn holding the uncapped glue stick and making his I-just-tasted-something-yucky face.

I managed to fish about 1/8 of a teaspoon of purple glue out of his mouth. That amount seemed consistent with the bite marks in the glue stick, so I felt he didn't swallow much, if any. I gave him some water and set him back down to play.

And that is the crazy part. I didn't freak out. My initial reaction was actually, "Meh, kids eat glue all the time. He'll be fine." I didn't think to call poison control until about an hour after the incident. And the very nice gentleman that I spoke with just told me, "Clean all the glue out of his mouth, give him some water and wait an hour to see if he gets sick." Done, done, and done!

I feel this is a sign that I am gaining some ground in mastering the art of motherhood. I have long been envious of that blissful nonchalance, that "he'll be fine" attitude that second time mothers have. Maybe I am starting to hit my stride as a mother. Maybe I have learned that age old wisdom - There is a time for everything - A time to freak out and a time to say "Meh, he'll be fine."

In other news, we have been going to the park a lot lately. I read in one blog on sleep, that if your child is having sleep issues, you should make sure they get enough outdoor time. The example she gave was that if your child is only playing outside for 2 hours a day, then try to see that they get 4 hours outdoors to see if that helps the them sleep. 4 hours? Most days Finn's only outdoor time is the walk from the house to the car and back again. So I felt that I needed to kick it up a notch. After all, I live in San Diego and I really have no excuse to forgo outdoor playtime. (Actually, I have a lot of excuses, not the least of which is that putting sunscreen on a wiggling 15 month old is one of the worst chores ever.) Fortunately, we have a park near our house with a nice play structure, sand and swings. Finn likes the swings, but he never seems to laugh-out-loud enjoy himself. That is until I started pretending that he was kicking me in the face with each swing. This he finds hilarious and actually throws his head back with laughter. Should I be worried that he finds violence so funny?  Or is this just further evidence that he is all boy?

Although, it is not evident to everyone that he is a boy. He has been called a girl by some stranger every day this week. And for once, it wasn't just old people. The only colors he wears are blue, green, orange and brown. There really should be no question. Maybe I need to cut his hair. But, he still has so little of it, I don't think I could bring myself to do it yet.

Lately, Finn has been pulling my broom out from behind the fridge and dragging it all over the house. So today I got him his own little broom. He LOVES it. He literally spent hours today just pushing it around the kitchen floor. He even managed to push some crumbs under the stove. Works for me. He gets mad and screams when he gets the broom on the carpet and it doesn't move as smoothly. Now, if only I could find him a little vacuum that actually worked, I'd be set!

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