Friday, November 1, 2013

All kinds of randomness

Today Finn went into the spare bedroom and started growling at the vacuum cleaner. He still gives it a wide berth, but he's getting more comfortable with it, so long as its not on. I'm not sure if he was growling to intimidate the vacuum, or mimicking the noise the vacuum makes, but it was really cute either way.  Too bad he didn't growl last night when he had his Monster costume on.

He is jabbering more and more these days.  I think some words are just around the corner. Today as I was changing his diaper, I commented that he was a "messy boy." Finn thought this was funny, so I repeated myself several times. A couple times while I was saying "messy boy" I heard him putting "m" and "s" sounds together. This is going to get fun!

After the diaper change, he spotted the IPad. He was looking at it very intently, but it was off, so I think what he saw was his reflection.  Then all of the sudden he went in for a kiss. Yes, that's right, he started repeatedly kissing his reflection in the IPad screen. Since he seems to have the kiss down, I'll have to start trying to get him to kiss Mommy and Daddy, so that by Christmas it will be one big Kiss-fest for Grandma and Grandpa!

Later he accomplished the feat of climbing onto the couch unassisted by starting in his toy box, climbing on to the piano bench and then crawling onto the couch. There he sat, quite pleased with himself for 10 minutes while playing with the remotes. This would have been just fine, but then he decided to take his climbing skills to the next level and tried to climb onto the piano and since it is a short trip from there to falling out the window, I had to holler at him, remove him from the situation, and deal with the temper tantrum that followed.

After lunch we went to Mission Bay for a walk (I even ran full out 4 times for a minute or less, which was actually pretty exhilarating for me and I'm pretty sure Finn thought he was flying at warp speed) and then when were were all done, we went and played on the playground. For Finn this means walking around on the pavement and completely ignoring the play equipment, but he'll figure it out eventually. I did finally take him over to one set-up that was just his size with no stairs but a ramp instead that he could run up and down. I think he enjoyed it because when I tried to take him back to the car, he threw a fit.

Since he wasn't too tired out after our playtime, we went to Costco and there he got called a girl and a snob by the old man who walks up and down Moraga Ave with his wife 12 times a day.  I'm not sure why he thought Finn was a girl, but apparently, because Finn was trying to hide from the old man and not looking at him, that made Finn a snob. I'm discovering that old people and babies are an awkward combination.

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