Monday, April 28, 2014

Speech Regression

In the back of my mind for the past couple weeks, I have been noticing that Finn has stopped saying new words. Yesterday, after reading an article about Regressive Autism (something I didn't even know existed) it struck me full in the face that not only was Finn not saying any new words, but he wasn't saying any of his old words either. Suddenly, alarm sirens were going off in my head and I was on high alert, scrutinizing Finn's every sound and action. I haven't felt this anxious about my son's well-being since he was a newborn.
After about a day and a half I calmed down enough to realize that Finn was not showing any signs of autism or regression in any other areas of his development. It seems to be limited to his verbal abilities. Ben and I agreed that the responsible thing to do was call the doctor, even if that meant someone telling us we were crazy, over-concerned parents. She told us to call the local early intervention program, which I did and got bumped around to several different departments until I was finally able to leave a voice mail for someone to call me back.  It was the longest voice mail greeting I had ever sat through. They wanted me to leave so much information, I had to take notes! They never called back, so I'm thinking that after I got done giving all our names, spellings, dates of birth, address, favorite colors and shoe sizes, I forgot to leave my phone number. This wouldn't surprise me at all. I think I'm now at that level of sleep-deprivation that causes permanent brain damage.  So after waiting a couple weeks (during which time I tried to talk myself out of it, but my sense of responsibility nagged at me) I called again and remembered to leave my phone number and got a call back that very day. I was able to set up an appointment to have a couple therapists to come for a home visit to evaluate Finn. It was probably best for Finn to be in his home environment to get the best evaluation, but it meant an awful lot of work for me in the cleaning department. Its generally all I can do to keep up with the superficial housework that needs to be done for us not to drown in a sea of dirty dishes, laundry and crumbs. I doubted I'd get the opportunity to explain to the evaluators that I'm just trying to strengthen my child's immune system one mold spore and dust bunny at a time, so I neglected Finn for a couple days and deep cleaned until I was dead on my feet!

The evaluation went well in that Finn was very charming and engaging and scored at or above his age level on nearly all the assessments. But with speech he demonstrated a 50% delay in verbal ability. To put it in perspective the therapist told me that in reasoning, problem-solving,
and language comprehension he is functioning at a 2 1/2 year old level. But in his verbal ability he is at a ten-month old level. The evaluators reassured me that he shows no signs of autism and even did an extended autism evaluation just to be thorough. 
So as relieved as Ben and I are that Finn is developing normally in nearly all areas, we're still feeling the heavy weight of this speech delay. I don't think either of us expected it to be that bad. Unfortunately, its left us with more questions than answers, the worst of which for me is, "Why?" I am the one staying home and raising this child, if this delay is caused by something lacking in his home environment, then I am at fault. I feel like I need to know if there was something more I should have been doing or if this is just the way Finn is and even if we had worked with flash cards and I had overcome my introverted nature and talked incessantly to him all day and banned all screen time and let him cry-it-out so that he got 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night, he would still have been delayed in his verbal skills. I just don't know, and it bothers me.

According to the early intervention paperwork I received, children under 24 months that show a 33% delay in one area of development will qualify for services. Now we have to wait to hear from our case manager to find out what the next step is. I am assuming (and hoping) that it will be a more in-depth evaluation that will determine why he isn't talking. And once we know what's going on, they can refer us to the appropriate therapist. I haven't done much online research on speech issues yet, since I don't know what I'm looking for, but what little I have seen suggests that speech issues are among the easiest to correct when caught early. It is reassuring to know that we took the appropriate steps early on, and hopefully in a few years we'll wonder how we ever worried that he didn't talk enough!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Howling with the Wild Things

As I've mentioned before, Finn's favorite book is "Hugless Douglas," but a close second is "Where the Wild Things Are." In the middle of the book, during the "wild rumpus" there are three pages of just pictures. Now for some reason, Ben and I couldn't just leave them as pictures to look at but felt we had to add some sounds to go along with them. So when the wild things are howling at the moon, Ben and I howl, when they are swinging through the trees, we say "whee, wheee," and when they are marching in a line we sing the conga line tune. Last night when Ben and I started howling, Finn joined in and howled along. This was hilarious and awesome but then we tried to turn the page and move on but Finn would have none of it, and turned the page back to the howling page. We howled some more and tried to continue the story, but no, back we went. We howled and howled and howled until I was certain the dogs across the street would join in and the neighbors would call the cops. Ben practically had to wrestle Finn just to turn the page and continue the story. I fear this was so much fun for Finn that howling at the moon will become part of our bedtime routine....

A Barbershop Trio

Lately Finn has taken to waking up at 5 am. Since I still get very little sleep, Ben has graciously started taking over the morning shift and watching Finn while I go back to bed and try to catch an hours nap. This morning they crawled in bed with me at about 7 and I was trying to wake up. For some unknown reason, Ben decided to sing "Ahh" and for some other unknown reason I sang "Ahh" a third higher and then right on cue Finn opened his mouth and sang "Ahh" a perfect third higher than me! It was a perfect major triad and a beautiful way to wake up in the morning! We all had a wonderful laugh over it and then tried again, but Finn gave us some very strange notes that resulted in weird minor chords so I don't think I can claim that my child has perfect pitch yet. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

First jump

Finn has been trying to jump for a long time now, but he has never quite gotten his feet off the ground. Yesterday, while we were at the park we were jumping and his feet finally left the earth at the same time. He landed and then promptly fell over. He hasn't been too keen about jumping since. 

He has also started making "vroom, vroom" noises while he plays with his trucks. He must have picked  that up from daddy!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

What's in a name

Ben has started asking Finn, "what's its name?" in regards to people, objects and characters in books. Finns answer is always the same, "Dadda."