Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Howling with the Wild Things

As I've mentioned before, Finn's favorite book is "Hugless Douglas," but a close second is "Where the Wild Things Are." In the middle of the book, during the "wild rumpus" there are three pages of just pictures. Now for some reason, Ben and I couldn't just leave them as pictures to look at but felt we had to add some sounds to go along with them. So when the wild things are howling at the moon, Ben and I howl, when they are swinging through the trees, we say "whee, wheee," and when they are marching in a line we sing the conga line tune. Last night when Ben and I started howling, Finn joined in and howled along. This was hilarious and awesome but then we tried to turn the page and move on but Finn would have none of it, and turned the page back to the howling page. We howled some more and tried to continue the story, but no, back we went. We howled and howled and howled until I was certain the dogs across the street would join in and the neighbors would call the cops. Ben practically had to wrestle Finn just to turn the page and continue the story. I fear this was so much fun for Finn that howling at the moon will become part of our bedtime routine....

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