Friday, October 5, 2012

Catching up....

The last week in September was kind of a rough week....both parents not feeling all that great and a baby not sleeping all that great.  It was a vicious cycle.  But things improved this past week and we even had a few milestones that were met.

The first happened on 9/28.  Finn found his thumb all by himself for the first time that I've seen and actually sucked on it for more than a few seconds...though definitely less than a minute.  I thought I got a picture of it as his thumb was coming out of his mouth, but it didn't show up on the camera.

Then on 10/1 he flipped himself over from his stomach to his back for the first time.  I wouldn't call it a roll yet.  Ben saw this feat performed the next day and described it as Finn raising his center of gravity and then just falling over.  He has used this new skill several times to rebel against Tummy Time.  Although, I'm not sure why he keeps doing it because every time he does, he cries harder than he did when he was on his tummy.  I think the whole process still startles him and he's not sure quite what has happened when he all of the sudden finds himself on his back!

On 10/2 I was playing with him on the floor and I noticed him tracking my face with his eyes and head movements.  As I moved my face across his field of vision, he followed my every move by moving his entire head with mine.  He doesn't track objects yet... just my face and we have to lock eyes first!

Ben and I gave Finn his last bath in the sink on 9/30.  Thankfully, Ben was there to capture all the cuteness on camera for posterity.  I got his new big boy bath tub in the mail this week and have given him a couple of baths in it, which he seems to enjoy.  However, the first time I used it, I think I filled it up with too much water.  I had a really hard time holding on to Finn during the bath and I realized that since he's gotten so chubby, he mostly floated.  The second bath, I put in less water and used wash clothes for friction.

Finn had his 2 month Doctor visit and his first round of immunizations on 10/4.  Good things first...He weighed 11 lbs, 4 oz, which put him in the 50th percentile and his length was 23 1/4 inches, 2 inches taller than last month and bumped him up above the 50th percentile for height.  He's met all his developmental milestones so far.  Now for the shots.....He cried during, of course, but I was able to calm him quickly by nursing him and then putting him in the Moby wrap, where he fell sound asleep.  I didn't want to wake him to put him in the car, so I went and got a coffee and walked around the medical complex until he woke up on his own.  It was a rough afternoon after we got home.  I let him sleep on my chest pretty much all day.  That part was just fine, the awful part was when he would stir or wake up a little.  He cried the saddest little cries.  When I would put him on the changing table for a diaper change he would try to smile..because that's what he usually does on the changing table...but then would cry a couple sobs...then he would try to smile again.  It was heartbreaking!  Thankfully, by the time we brought Ben home, he seemed to be back to his old self....wide eyed with lots of smiles for Mom and Dad...and no more sad little sobs.

I did have some fun last night after Finn was asleep.  My Mom had been looking through my baby book and found some pictures of me that looked a lot like some of the pictures I had taken recently of Finn.  So my Dad scanned them and emailed them to me.  It was uncanny.  I never thought my son looked much like me.  I had only been able to see Ben in him before, but now I have to admit, he really does take after me quite a bit.  Although, I actually think Finn is a much more beautiful baby.  I wonder if all mothers think that?!

We also looked at a picture of Ben when he was 2 months old, but its hard to make the comparison at this point, because Ben was a much bigger baby at 2 months.  I think that Finn will start to look more like Ben again as he gets a little bigger. 

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