Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Parent's October Visit

My parents came to visit for a 4 day weekend.  We had lovely weather and I think they really enjoyed seeing Finn.  Having them back in San Diego reminded me how much Finn has grown since they were last together.  When my mom left at the end of August, Finn could still cuddle up on her shoulder in a little ball and his feet barely reached her elbows.  Now he could push his feet against her lap when they cuddled! 

They seemed to thoroughly enjoy taking pictures and playing with Finn and trying to get him to smile, which fortunately, he did a lot!  I think Finn liked having someone to look at other than me for a change!  And I have to admit that I enjoyed having other arms to hold him so that I could take a longer than 5 minute shower without feeling guilty!

We went out for dinner as a family and Finn did very well for his first dinner out.  He didn't stay asleep in his car seat (which we just put on the table) for long, so I got to attempt the classic "Mom eating with one hand while holding and entertaining a baby with the other" pose.  I handed Finn off to my dad so that I could eat the one thing on my plate that I needed 2 hands for and he did OK until all of the sudden he started making his sad faces and huge tears welled up in his eyes.  My only guess was he was hungry (that's my only guess for Finn's distress most of the time, which may account for my son's excellent weight gain) so I also got the thrill of feeding him in a restaurant.  We actually did pretty well.  He's getting big enough so that he can kind of sit up on my lap under the nursing cover.  Its really cute from my view because all I can see is this adorable little face looking up at me from his little nursing cave.

My parents also gave us an evening of babysitting so that Ben and I could have our first night out.  We went to Red Robin, which may sound less than romantic, but it has special meaning to us in many ways, not the least of which is that that was where we went to dinner after we found out we were having a boy and that night we choose the name "Finnleif".  Plus, they generally have pretty fast service, so I figured, if Finn gave my parents any trouble, we could be home quickly.  I thought I would really enjoy having an evening away, since I generally do enjoy my time out of the house without baby (aka my once weekly trip to Costco). But it was really hard on me.  My anxiety was really high even though I knew he was perfectly safe and my parents were perfectly capable of handling anything he threw at them.  I kept tearing up thinking about him.  Of course seeing the baby boy at the table across from us who looked about Finn's age didn't help.  I really missed him, which is silly, since, if I had been home, he would have been asleep, so its not like we would have been hanging out anyway.  It's weird....I did not expect to feel this way.  I guess that means no trips without our children for a good long while.

All in all Finn did beautifully having company over and doing all sorts of extra activities and generally having his routine disrupted.  I'm glad he did so well because he's going to have a lot of visitors and probably do a lot of visiting in the future!

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