Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Couple New Milestones

Finn laughed for the first time on Friday, November 2nd.  Ben was playing with him while I was in the bathroom and all of the sudden I heard Ben calling for me.  Unfortunately, I wasn't in a position to leave the bathroom just then and then through the door I heard the sound of Finn laughing his first real baby laugh.  I rushed out to see if he would do it again.  Ben was fake sneezing for Finn but as soon as Finn saw me, he became very serious.  I spent all day Friday pretending to sneeze for Finn, but to no avail.  Then on Saturday the same exact thing happened, Finn laughed for Ben while I was in the bathroom.  Now, I already get very limited bathroom breaks during the day and so I was starting to wonder if I would have to give them up completely or take Finn with me every time I went, just so I wouldn't miss another laugh...fortunately, it didn't come down to that.  I was playing with Finn this morning while Ben was brushing his teeth and I was bouncing the bed up and down and making silly noises and faces at Finn, when he finally gave me a chuckle!

Tummy Time has been going a bit better these days as well.  I've been super vigilant about making sure he spends lots of extra time on his tummy during the day as well as making sure he starts out every session looking left.  Not only is he now choosing to look left more often while on his tummy, he is also starting to pick his head up once again.  Today he even reached out and grabbed his rattle.  I think it might have been an accident, but I'll take it.  He still cries more during Tummy Time than any other time, but at least that's not all he's doing!  I think he's also starting to try to flip over again.  He gets pretty close most sessions when he starts to get mad because that's when he lifts his head highest and starts kicking his legs.  It shouldn't be much longer.  His doctor said that most babies who hate to be on their tummy do so until they learn to roll over.  Apparently, having the ability to change their situation makes the whole thing more tolerable.

Last week I started the process of trying to get Finn transitioned from his bassinet to his crib.  I started by just trying to put him down for naps in his crib.  But that was so phenomenally unsuccessful and left us both so exhausted, that I decided we needed a break and a change of tactics.  So, Finn and I started doing playtime and feeding in his room, but no sleeping.  Then sometimes during playtime, I would lay him down in the crib and play with him in there.  After a few days I tried laying him down for a nap, and I got him to stay asleep for 7 minutes.  Not much, but a definite improvement over the 7 seconds I had been getting before.  So we went back to just playing and nursing in his room for a few days.  Today I tried again and he napped for a full 30 minutes this time.  Not only that, but when I laid him down, he wasn't in deep sleep and so partially woke up and was able to soothe himself back to sleep.  I laid down on the floor next to the crib while he slept.  I didn't want to be too far away when he woke up so that I could soothe him right away if he cried.  I'm trying to keep his crib and his room a calm, happy place for him!   

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