Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Here we are. Finn is days (maybe hours) away from being mobile. It's fun to watch him learn this new skill, but scary at the same time. As usual, just when I start to feel comfortable with our daily life, Finn starts changing and growing up again. Back in the difficult days of new motherhood, I sometimes found myself wishing time would speed up, and now I wish it would slow down! It really is the "longest shortest time".

Finn is just too cute. He can either move his arms or his legs, but not both. And when he does move his legs, he tends to move them both together in a little bunny hop move. He's actually getting around really well, even without officially crawling. He does a sit, stretch, wiggle, sit maneuver that gets him across the room. I was working on paying the bills the other day and taking a peek at him every few minutes, when all of the sudden he wasn't there! He had wiggled himself around the jumperoo. I thought he had taken off down the hall. Nearly gave me a heart attack!

Ben was walking by this age, but I am so thankful that my genes are holding him back a little bit! We've been baby proofing like crazy, but we still have a long way to go. And I'm sure that as soon as we think we've made the house safe, Finn will prove us wrong!

I feel such a mix of emotions about Finn crawling. I'm both looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time!

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