Wednesday, May 8, 2013

9 month check-up

To begin, I have to report that Finn started crawling last night (5/7/13). I thought I saw him do it out of the corner of my eye in the afternoon. I was working on a project on the floor and Finn was coming over to investigate, but wasn't making much progress. But then as I turned to pick up my scissors off the floor next to me, there he was at my elbow, reaching for the scissors. How in the world do babies seem to know what the most dangerous objects around them are and then have an all-consuming desire to play with them! But I wasn't certain he had crawled to me since I hadn't really seen it. So when Ben came home, we put him down on the floor and put his remote control car just out of reach, and sure enough he crawled right to it without stopping to rest his belly on the floor or even sit down. Heaven help me!

He had his 9 month check-up yesterday as well. It went ok. He weighed 18 pounds, 12 ounces, which I thought was pretty good, but apparently moves him down into the 20th percentile for weight. His doctor didn't seem worried about it, but I felt frustrated because for the last 3 months I've been working really hard on trying to make sure he gets enough breast milk. He's nursing every 2 hours or so during the day and then all night long! And on top of that, he's been eating pretty nutritionally dense solid foods. Really the only for me to do is not to worry about it. Ha! That's funny!

Sleeping has been a real challenge lately with all this crawling practice. It's as though some unseen force is compelling him to practice crawling at all times. So it has become increasingly difficult to get him down for naps and at night not only is it difficult to get him to go to sleep, it's hard to get him to stay asleep. He just keeps popping up on all fours or sitting up and then crying because he is so tired, but he just can't seem to relax enough to sleep!

So, of course, we had this happen during nap time before his doctor appointment and by the time he was just about to go to sleep, we had to get ready to leave, so he was crying while we got ready to go, he feel asleep in the car, then I had to wake him to take him out, which made him cry some more. Then at the doctor's office, he would cry if anyone but me got near him, which made examining him that much more difficult. Thank goodness he didn't have to get any shots!

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