Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today's shenanigans

Finn has figured out how to get past his toy box so he can play behind the piano and with the air conditioner. There is little I can do now to prevent this. In addition, he has figured out that if he stands up in his toy box, he can reach the piano keys and bang on them with gusto. And since I want to promote a love of music, I am not entirely against this new activity, except that I can foresee him falling out of his toy box and hitting his head on any number of hard corners.

And then, while I was showering today, Finn mastered the art of removing the new toilet paper rolls from the plastic wrapping. He then proceeded to gleefully throw them into the shower with me, rendering them soggy and useless. He is now carrying one around the house, pulling off small pieces and throwing them on the floor.

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