Friday, February 7, 2014

Bubbles in the bath

Finn has been discovering his bodily functions lately. Ben has been taking him to the bathroom with him in the morning so he starts to understand what that is all about. Now, when I take his diaper off before bath time, he loves to stand by the toilet and pee...on the rug. Maybe this means I need to get him his own potty?

Last night in the bath tub Finn passed a little gas and made his own bubbles. He thought this was hilarious and was cracking up with laughter several seconds before Ben and I realized what was so funny. I think he started straining a little bit to see if he could make some more bubbles, but I whisked him out of the bath so we wouldn't have to deal with poo in the tub. It hasn't happened to us yet, but I'm sure it will someday.

In other news, Finn has started giving us "high-fives" which is pretty cute. He has also said his first 2 word sentence. I was trying to dress him and he wasn't cooperating so I told him he had to "lie down" to which he started saying "lie down" over and over again.

First haircut

We gave Finn his first haircut today. It was starting to hang into his eyes and was falling straight over his ears. The only curls were in the back, and they kept getting dreadlock-like snarls in them. So we decided it was time. Finn was really good. He didn't cry at all. He did fuss and wiggle a little but that is to be expected from an 18 month old! All in all I think I did pretty well for my first time cutting hair in general, much less cutting a boys haircut. It's not perfect, but then I didn't expect it would be. It pained me to cut off the curls in the back though. I had thought maybe once I cleaned up the front and sides of his hair, I might be able to leave the curls long for a while, but no, once the front and sides were short, the curls in the back had to go too. He looks way too grown up now. It's really starting to hit me how quickly he is leaving his baby days behind him.

To that end, he is continuing with new words. He is getting pretty good at repeating words we say. He has recently started saying "uh-oh" and "ow" and using them in the appropriate context. "Yuck" and "yummy" he has starting using during mealtimes but they both seem to mean "I don't like this!" We're trying to get him to say his name but so far he just smiles at us. Once it sounded like he said "Leif" but it hasn't happened since.

There was one funny story that came about this week. I was cleaning in the kitchen when Finn crawled up onto the couch and started to reach for the lamp. I came over and reminded him that he is not to touch the lamp and he quickly whirled around, said "Shit!" in his high baby voice and wiggled off the couch. Now, since I'm pretty sure I haven't said "shit" since before Finn was born and I know Ben has probably never said it, I can only assume he was just making a noise. Or maybe his grandpa's let a few questionable words slip over Christmas and he remembered....

Monday, February 3, 2014

18 Month Doctor Appointment

I am happy to report that this doctor visit went much better than the last one. Granted, my expectations were not very high, but there was no Finn running around the hall naked and shrieking at least. He still cried, but wasn't frantic and he actually allowed the doctor to examine him.

There were two really good things that happened. First, Finn did not have to have any shots! He was supposed to, but somehow we did a couple early so now we get to be shot-free until he's four. Yay! Second, she praised me on getting his weight up to the 45th percentile. This shocked me so I asked what his weight was and she said 25 pounds. I had to tell her that I didn't think that was correct since on the bathroom scale at home he was only 23 pounds. So she had him weighed after the visit and his weight came to 22.6 pounds, which I thought was a little low, but at that point, the visit was over, so there was no opportunity for her to get after me about his weight. So I got a free pass too! We'll just keep working on getting him to eat and increasing his milk intake to 2 cups per day (he currently drinks 1/2 a cup).

I didn't leave this appointment feeling so morally dejected as I did the last one. My next goal will be to get him sleeping through the night before his 2 year appointment so I won't have to spend the 2 weeks before his appointment practicing my excuses for why he doesn't sleep.