Monday, February 3, 2014

18 Month Doctor Appointment

I am happy to report that this doctor visit went much better than the last one. Granted, my expectations were not very high, but there was no Finn running around the hall naked and shrieking at least. He still cried, but wasn't frantic and he actually allowed the doctor to examine him.

There were two really good things that happened. First, Finn did not have to have any shots! He was supposed to, but somehow we did a couple early so now we get to be shot-free until he's four. Yay! Second, she praised me on getting his weight up to the 45th percentile. This shocked me so I asked what his weight was and she said 25 pounds. I had to tell her that I didn't think that was correct since on the bathroom scale at home he was only 23 pounds. So she had him weighed after the visit and his weight came to 22.6 pounds, which I thought was a little low, but at that point, the visit was over, so there was no opportunity for her to get after me about his weight. So I got a free pass too! We'll just keep working on getting him to eat and increasing his milk intake to 2 cups per day (he currently drinks 1/2 a cup).

I didn't leave this appointment feeling so morally dejected as I did the last one. My next goal will be to get him sleeping through the night before his 2 year appointment so I won't have to spend the 2 weeks before his appointment practicing my excuses for why he doesn't sleep.

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