Friday, February 7, 2014

Bubbles in the bath

Finn has been discovering his bodily functions lately. Ben has been taking him to the bathroom with him in the morning so he starts to understand what that is all about. Now, when I take his diaper off before bath time, he loves to stand by the toilet and pee...on the rug. Maybe this means I need to get him his own potty?

Last night in the bath tub Finn passed a little gas and made his own bubbles. He thought this was hilarious and was cracking up with laughter several seconds before Ben and I realized what was so funny. I think he started straining a little bit to see if he could make some more bubbles, but I whisked him out of the bath so we wouldn't have to deal with poo in the tub. It hasn't happened to us yet, but I'm sure it will someday.

In other news, Finn has started giving us "high-fives" which is pretty cute. He has also said his first 2 word sentence. I was trying to dress him and he wasn't cooperating so I told him he had to "lie down" to which he started saying "lie down" over and over again.

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